Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What is the Afterburn Effect and how does it work?

What is the Afterburn Effect and how does it work? 

See more at Insane Home Fat Loss 
The correct term is Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption or EPOC. Unless you’re an exercise nerd most people don’t know what EPOC is so we just like to call it the Afterburn Effect. The simple way to explain how it works is this: After your workout is over your body needs to recover. You have to repair and replenish molecules inside the muscles you worked so you can get bigger and stronger. When you workout your muscles try to adapt to the amount of weight you lifted. In order for them to adapt they have to rebuild bigger and stronger than they were before. This not only burns an extreme amount of fat but it also increases muscle mass and strength. It’s the best form of exercise to burn fat and build lean muscle at the same time. All workouts give you a certain amount of afterburn but there are ways to maximize that effect. Based on studies, testing, and science we have created a way to give you the optimal amount of afterburn to help you lose fat and build muscle fast!

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